
Oral Defense Forms

Arrangement forms should be submitted to your college. TAD Services maintains these forms on this website as a courtesy.

A copy of the Report of Oral Defense should be submitted to TAD Services after all committee members approve the content of the document. (This form can be submitted by your college or department administrator). The form cannot be accepted without all signatures. A committee member can designate someone to sign the report if he or she is not available to provide a physical signature. In this case, please attach a letter or email from the committee member briefly detailing the situation.

Center For International Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Fine Arts

College of Health Sciences and Professions

The Patton College of Education

For The Patton College of Education students, contact Ramona Mott, mott@ohio.edu, (740) 593-4411 for forms and processing.

Russ College of Engineering and Technology

For Russ College of Engineering and Technology students, please contact Russ College Graduate Program Information, russgradinfo@ohio.edu, 183 or 154 Stocker Center, (740)593-9487 for forms and processing.

Scripps College of Communication

For students filing projects, please view the Guidelines and click on the "Report on the Professional Project (Grad Form 5)" link to download the Project form.

Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service