

MATH 1200鈥擟ollege Algebra

Four Semester Hours

MT 10/21


University Prerequisite: C or better in MATH D005 or MATH 102 or MATH D004 or Math placement level 1 or higher. WARNING: No credit for MATH 1200 if taken after MATH 2301. No credit for both MATH 1200 and MATH 1321.

Course Description

Equations, functions and graphs, including linear equations and systems, polynomials, rational and radical expressions, quadratic equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and inequalities. Students who will not need Math 1200 for their intended majors or as a prerequisite for other classes should consider Math 1090, Math 1250, Math 1260, or another Tier I quantitative skills course instead.

Methods of Course Instruction

All material for this course is print-based. Instructor and students communicate and exchange materials through postal mail. 

E-Print Option

In this course, an option exists to use e-mail to submit your lesson assignments. Your assignment will be returned to you either as an e-mail attachment or as a hard copy sent through the postal mail, depending on the preferences of the instructor and/or program. 

Textbooks and Supplies

Kaufmann, Jerome E., and Schwitters, Karen. Algebra for College Students, 10th ed. Cengage Learning, [ISBN: 9781285195797]

Number of Lessons

The course has ten lessons complete with graded assignments and 2 supervised course examinations. 

  • Lesson 1: Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving
  • Lesson 2: Polynomials
  • Lesson 3: Rational Expressions (6-part lesson)
  • Lesson 4: Exponents and Radicals (4-part lesson)
  • Lesson 5: Quadratic Equations an Inequalities (3-part lesson)
  • Lesson 6: Midcourse Examination
  • Lesson 7: Quadratic Equations and Inequalities (2-part lesson)
  • Lesson 8: Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables
  • Lesson 9: Functions; Graph Functions and Applications; Composition Functions (3-part lesson)
  • Lesson 10: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (3-part lesson)
  • Lesson 11: Systems of Equations; Substitution Method (3-part lesson)
  • Lesson 12: Final Examination

Types of Writing Assignments

Each lesson contains one or more reading assignments and a writing assignment, which you are to send in for my evaluation. Each writing assignment will ask you to solve 20 or more problems from the textbook. These problems should be worked in detail (showing all your work) so I can follow your line of reasoning in the solution of the problem.

I encourage you to do many more problems than are called for in the assignments you mail to me. These extra problems need not be mailed to me unless there is a problem you have not been able to solve and you would like to see a solution.

You will find some writing assignments have parts A, B, C, or D. This was done to permit you the opportunity for working on the written assignment immediately after studying the material. This enables you to get firmly in mind newly learned concepts.

Please do not send partially completed writing assignments. Include the entire lesson with a special note of problems (either in the assignment or of your selection) that caused difficulty and for which you desire a solution. In stated problems, I do not send solutions but only hints as to how you should proceed.

Grading Criteria

I prefer you send one lesson at a time in order that I might correct them and have them returned to you so my comments will aid you in your presentation of later lessons. If you find your grades on the lessons are low, revise your study habits immediately in order to improve your performance in the course. If you get along well with the lessons, send them as often as you please.

Each lesson will be graded A, B, C, D, or F. The lessons will count for 25% of the course, and the midcourse examination will count for 25% of the course. The final examination will be comprehensive, that is, will cover all of the work in the course, and will count as 50% of your final grade. There are no provisions for make-up examinations.