

Course Credit by Examination
SPAN 1120—Elementary Spanish II

Four Semester Hours

AP 9/18


University Requisite: (Spanish placement level 1120 or C– or better in SPAN 1110) and WARNING: No credit for this course if taken after the following: SPAN 1199 or above (does not count toward Tier II CP).

Course Description

This is the second course of the two-semester, first-year sequence in Spanish. You will learn basic grammar and vocabulary, and develop skills in reading and writing Spanish.

Textbook and Supplies

  • Jarvis, A., R. Lebredo and F. Mena-Ayllón. ¡Hola, amigos! 8th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage, 2014. [ISBN: 9781133952213]
  • Jarvis, A., R. Lebredo and F. Mena-Ayllón. ¡Hola, amigos! Student Activities Manual. 8th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage, 2014. [ISBN: 9781133952290]
  • Jarvis, A., R. Lebredo and F. Mena-Ayllón. ¡Hola, amigos! Student Activities Manual Answer Key. 8th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage, 2014. [ISBN: 9781133952084]

This set includes the text as well as the Student Activities Manual and accompanying answer key. It is recommended that all the material be carefully and thoroughly studied and all the written exercises in both the text and in the manual be completed and checked with the answer keys that are available as listed:

For practice exams in the text—in Appendix D of the textbook
For all workbook exercises—in the separate Student Manual Answer Key

Nature of the Examination

The examination covers Lección 7 through Lección 14 of the text. Although you should already be familiar with material in this lesson (as it is repeated from the last course), you will NOT be tested on specific grammar points or vocabulary from lesson 7 in this exam. You will also NOT be tested on the supplementary material. You will have three hours to complete the test. The exam is worth a total of 200 points and will consist of six sections.


  • Part One: PREGUNTAS. Answering personalized questions. (15 points)
  • These will be written questions based on the vocabulary and topics of the chapters. In order to practice for this section, you should be sure to complete the questions that are asked in each chapter in the sections ¡Conversemos! and ¡Vamos a practicar!, particularly the personalized questions in the sections Para conocernos mejor that are designed for practice with a partner. 
  • Part Two: VOCABULARIO. Vocabulary (25 points)
  • This portion may contain any vocabulary item encountered in the chapters covered. You may be asked to complete a sentence with an appropriate word, supply a word that fits a definition, or give a word that means the same as or the opposite of a given word. You may encounter other exercises similar to the exercises in the text and workbook. In order to prepare, be sure to complete the exercises not only in the lessons, but also in the practice tests in the text and in the workbook (including crosswords).
  • Part Three: GRAMÁTICA. Grammar structures (100 points)
  • You are responsible for any grammar point covered in the section of the text entitled Puntos para recordar. Be sure that you know the terms used for grammar points, e.g., infinitive or present progressive. (Appendix C in the text is a helpful glossary of grammatical terms.)

Again, studying the material and completing and correcting all exercises in the text, practice tests, and workbook are the best way to prepare for this section.

  • Part Four: ¿CÓMO LO DECIMOS? Situations (20 points)
    You will be given a number of short situations where you will have to express how to say something in Spanish. These will be similar in format to workbook exercises and the ¿Cómo lo decimos? sections of the text.
  • Part Five: LECTURA. Reading comprehension (15 points)
    You will be asked to answer questions about a short reading based on a theme presented in the text. In order to prepare for this section, you should read carefully and answer questions on the dialogues and Lecturas of each lesson, in addition to completing the Para leer sections of each chapter in the workbook.
  • Part Six: COMPOSICIÓN. Writing (25 points)
    You will be asked to write a brief paragraph or dialogue that is based on some theme or idea that is covered in the text. In order to prepare for this section, you should do all composition assignments from both the text and the workbook.

You will not be tested on cultural content.