
TAS 4040 PBC

TAS 4040—Ethics and Organizational Social Responsibility

Three Semester Hours

MA 6/19


University Requisite: None

Course Overview

The globalization of society, along with greater advances in technology, has increased the complexity of ethical decision making. Every organization has the potential to impact society (positive or negative). This interface between various organizations and society is the concern of organizational social responsibility (OSR). The purpose of this course is to explore the dynamics of this interface. The review will provide the student with an opportunity to explore the positive and negative impacts these organizations have on our society and identify strategies to implement OSR.

Methods of Course Instruction

All material for this course is print-based. Instructor and students communicate and exchange materials through postal mail. You may submit your assignments as e-mail attachments, but your graded assignments will be returned to you by postal mail.

Textbooks and Supplies

  • Bradberry, T. and Greaves, J. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0. Talent Smart: San Diego, California. [ISBN: 978-0974320625]
  • Bennett, W. (1995). The Children’s Book of Virtues. Simon & Schuster: New York. [ISBN: 068481353X]

Number of Lessons

The course has six lessons, including a midcourse examination, and a final examination. These lessons include:

  • Lesson 1: Emotional Intelligence Reflection
  • Lesson 2: EQ Action Plan
  • Lesson 3: Personal Virtues Graphic
  • Lesson 4: Virtues in Practice 
  • Lesson 5: Identification of Corporate Values Graphic
  • Lesson 6: Policy Manual

Grading Criteria

Your final grade will be determined by your grades on the submitted writing assignments as follows. The course has no supervised examinations.

The assignments and their point values are:

  • Lesson 1: Emotional Intelligence Reflection — 100 Points
  • Lesson 2: EQ Action Plan — 200 Points
  • Lesson 3: Personal Virtues Graphic — 100 Points
  • Lesson 4: Virtues in Practice —  200 Points
  • Lesson 5: Identification of Corporate Values Graphic — 200 Points
  • Lesson 6: Policy Manual — 200 Points
  • Total — 1,000 Points