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40.110: Employment Agency Fees




February 27, 2005

Initiated by:

James E. Kemper | Assistant Vice President for Administration for Human Resources

Reviewed by:

Herman ("Butch") Hill | Chair, Policy and Procedure Review Committee

Endorsed by:

Larry Corrigan | Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration

Approved by:

Kathy Krendl | Interim Provost

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    This policy provides guidance pertaining to the use of employment agencies and the hiring of employees through employment agencies.

    Planning unit heads are empowered within departmental budget limitations to do either of the following:

    1. Employ the services of placement offices or employment agencies, or

    2. Pay the employment fees of new employees hired through employment agencies.

    This policy shall pertain only to clerical employees, technicians, and specialists, and not to faculty members or administrative officers.

  2. Process

    Prior to authorizing the above services or payments, the employing department will obtain a written confirmation from university human resources that sufficient candidates to fill the position cannot be obtained through local channels, and that the use of an employment agency is an appropriate source of additional potential employees. Further, the employing department must obtain written approval in advance from the planning unit head, which includes vice presidents and deans.

    University human resources secures and manages the contracts associated with employment agencies.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Vice President for Finance and Administration

  2. Planning Unit Heads

  3. Classified Senate