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Your Registration Time for Fall Semester 2024-25 (MED)

From: OHIO Registrar <registration@ohio.edu>
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2024  4:45 p.m.
To: Enrolled Students
Subject: Your Registration Time for Fall Semester 2024-25 (MED)

Dear Bobcat,

In preparation for registering for fall semester, please be aware of the following:

  • Your registration (enrollment appointment) time has been assigned and is now available in ; you are not expected to meet with anyone at this specific date and time.  Your registration date and time are determined by the accumulated hours earned as of January  29, 2024. You may register for classes on or after your enrollment appointment time:



  • We recommend that you communicate with your advisor(s) prior to registering for fall classes. If you need to identify your advisor(s), please check  or  or check with your graduate program.
  • Use  to identify classes for fall semester are available now.
  • You should review your information in  or :
    • Registration (enrollment appointment) time: Available in the Enrollment Dates box to the right of MyOHIO Student Center or on the Student Dashboard in Go OHIO.
    • Registration holds: Available in the Holds box to the right of MyOHIO Student Center (click details for more information) or on the Student Dashboard in Go OHIO.
    • Advisor: Available in the Advisor box to the right of MyOHIO Student Center or on the Student Dashboard in Go OHIO.

If you have any questions about how to register for classes, please visit the Registration page on the Office of the University Registrar website.

Please send any questions related to registration to registration@ohio.edu or call 740.593.4495.

Best wishes for the rest of spring semester!


Bob Bulow 
Interim University Registrar