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Chemistry M.S. Specific Requirements

Thesis and Non-Thesis Options

Thesis Option: A written thesis must be prepared and accepted by the adviser, the student?s Thesis Committee, the Department, the College and the University.

Research Publication in Lieu of Thesis Option: Alternatively, candidates for the M.S. degree may prepare a manuscript, a major portion of which is based on his or her research, and submit it to a peer-reviewed journal. If the paper is accepted for publication and accepted by the Department, College and the University in lieu of a thesis, no other written thesis is required.

Non-Thesis Option: Alternatively, a student must complete a total of 26 credit hours of graded coursework at the 5000-level or above. Coursework will be chosen in consultation with the M.S. adviser, to expose the student to a diverse range of cutting-edge topics and techniques in chemistry research. Coursework chosen must be approved by the Graduate Committee. In addition to the coursework, the student must complete the capstone requirement by completing at least 4 credit hours of M.S. research (Chem 6950) and writing a research paper (10 pages or more, double spaced, 1? margins), which must include a critical evaluation of the current literature and a new research hypothesis. This research paper will be presented in an hour-long presentation as part of the oral defense.

Oral Defense

An oral examination is required of all M.S. degree candidates. The oral examination consists of two parts. An hour-long presentation of the research work will be given before all faculty, graduate students and interested parties. This will be followed by an oral defense that will be held before the student?s thesis committee.

Additional Requirements

Student-Specific Requirements: The student?s graduate adviser and thesis committee will determine the specific requirements for each student within the above framework.

Division-Specific Requirements: There are, at present, no division-specific requirements.