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Geography Undergraduate Research

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Creative Activity oversees several Internal Award program to support the research, scholarship and creative activity of faculty, staff and students.

Credit for Research

These course options provide individualized and directed research under supervision of a faculty member. Students select topics or are directed into possible research areas of interest to both the student and faculty member. Student must discuss the research plan with the faculty member before receiving permission to enroll. Scholarship experience typically entails familiarization with relevant literature, research methods, and analysis. The experience culminates in presentation of results in poster format.

  • GEOG 4930 - Independent Study
  • GEOG 4940 - Research Experience in Human Geography
  • GEOG 4941 - Research Experience in Physical Geography
  • GEOG 4942 - Research Experience in Environmental Geography
  • GEOG 4943 - Research Experience in Geographic Information Science
  • GEOG 4944 - Research Experience in Meteorology/Climatology
  • GEOG 4945 - Research Experience in Urban Planning
  • GEOG 4946 - Research Experience in Globalization and Development
  • GEOG 4970T - Geography Tutorial
  • GEOG 4980T - Geography Tutorial
  • GEOG 4990H - Honors in Geography