
A&S Social Sciences Area Requirement

The social sciences requirement may be met by a selection of 9 semester hours from the following*:

  • African American Studies: AAS 1010, 1900, 2020, 2200, 2250, 2540, 3400, 3410, 3450, 3460, 3650, 3680, 3691, 4400, 4820
  • Anthropology: except ANTH 2010, 3460, 3550, 3600, 4470, 4480, 4740, 4960, and those listed as natural sciences below
  • Business Law:BUSL 2000, 2550, 3400
  • Classics & Religious Studies: CARS 2010, 2020, 3410, 3040
  • College of Arts and Sciences: CAS 1120, 1415
  • Economics: ECON
  • Environmental and Plant Biology: PBIO 2170
  • Environmental Science: ES 3620, 4500, 4610, 4710,4720, 4730, 4832, 4910
  • Geography: GEOG except those listed under Natural Sciences (see below)
  • History: HIST except those listed under Humanities (see above)
  • International Studies: INST
  • International Literature: ILL 3890
  • Japanese: JPN 3410
  • Law, Justice, and Culture:LJC 2000, 3915, 4945
  • Linguistics: LING
  • Modern Languages: ML 2400
  • Political Science: POLS
  • Psychology: except PSY 1110/1110L, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2210, 3110, 3230
  • Social Work: SW
  • Sociology: SOC
  • University Professor: UP 1901S, 4901S (class subjects vary; check Course Offerings for more information)
  • Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies: WGSS 2300, 3910

Note: Methods courses are not applicable to area requirements.

*These listings must be used as the official guide for the completion of the Arts & Sciences area (distribution) requirements. Exceptions to the 9-hour Arts &d Sciences area distribution will be made only under the most unusual of circumstances and by petition only. Consideration for inclusion of courses not listed is not made on an ad hoc basis but requires formal approval of the Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee.

Some courses from these categories may also be applied to the University Tier II requirements. However, the three Arts and Sciences area categories differ in scope from the six Tier II groupings (Applied Science and Mathematics, Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Fine Arts, Humanities and Literature, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences). If you wish to select a course that will apply to both the Arts & Sciences and Tier II requirements, take care to choose a course that has been approved for the desired category in both the college and the University listings. Courses that can fulfill Tier I quantitative skills and freshman composition requirements and the Tier III requirement do not apply to the Arts & Sciences area distribution requirements. Exceptions include MATH 1350 and PSY 2110.

The list of courses approved for Tier II categories appears in the Graduation Requirements – University-wide section of the catalog.