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Section 7.6 Leave Time

Policy No. 6.01 Absence Management:

Doctoral psychology interns must record any leave time taken, including time for vacation or illness, using the absence management portal. Trainees and GAs do not earn vacation or sick time.


  • Any doctoral psychology intern who is aware of the need to be absent on a scheduled workday is required to document any absence through the online absence management portal, and submit confirmation of all absences upon return. The Clinical Director will approve absences as appropriate through the absence management portal. Any absence must also be documented accordingly in EHR software, and the TD should also be informed as appropriate.
  • Any trainee or GA who requires time off on a day they would normally be scheduled at CPS must discuss this with their supervisor in advance of the absence and document accordingly in EHR.
  • If a clinician-in-training requires an extended period of time off, in addition to their supervisor, they should notify the ADT/TD so that appropriate accommodations can be made.
  • It is the responsibility of the clinician-in-training, with support of their supervisor, to plan for coverage of missed drop-in shifts when absences are known ahead of time.

Policy No. 6.02 Professional Development:

The following section outlines leave time for professional development as it is permitted for all levels of training.


  • GAs, trainees, and doctoral psychology interns are not provided specific time for professional development.
  • As they are allotted free time during their work schedule (e.g., client cancelled an appointment), trainees must stay in the office and may complete professional development activities (e.g., seminar reading assignments, research projects, clinically-based reading) when all other traineeship activities have been completed (i.e., paperwork, preparation for supervision, review of videotaped sessions). Such time must be documented accordingly in EHR.
  • Trainees and GAs are not penalized for taking professional development time in order to attend research meetings (i.e., proposal, defense), conferences, or workshops. Such time must be communicated to the ADT and documented accordingly in EHR.
  • Doctoral psychology interns are not penalized for taking professional development time in order to travel for dissertation meetings, attend conferences, or workshops. Such time must be approved by the TD prior to utilizing the time and documented accordingly in EHR.

Policy No. 6.03 Sick Leave:

The following section outlines sick leave as it pertains to all levels of training.


  • Any clinician-in-training who needs to cancel appointments due to illness should call CPS/Front Desk staff by 8am on the given day. The trainee must call and leave a voicemail on the CPS main line (740-593-1616), and notify their supervisor(s) of their absence via phone or email. All sick leave must be documented accordingly in EHR.
  • In order to fulfill their requirements, GAs and trainees in Clinical Psychology, Counselor Education, and Social Work do not earn specific sick leave. All trainees/GAs will determine with their supervisor(s) and ADT if they need to make up missed hours.
  • Doctoral psychology interns are provided with sick leave at a rate that is consistent with senior staff members, and explained in the general CPS Policy and Procedures Manual. Interns are expected to follow the same procedures for requesting and documenting sick leave.

Policy No. 6.04 Vacation:

The following section outlines vacation time as it is permitted for all levels of training.


  • In order to fulfill their requirements, trainees in Counselor Education, Social Work, and Clinical Psychology are not allotted specific vacation time. However, a trainee should consult with the ADT if they need to be out of the office during their regular schedule. All vacation time must be documented accordingly in EHR.
  • All trainees/GAs will determine with their supervisor(s) and ADT if they need to make up any missed hours.
  • Doctoral psychology interns are provided with vacation that is consistent with senior staff members, and explained in the general Policy and Procedures Manual. Doctoral interns are expected to follow the same procedures for requesting and documenting planned vacation time.
  • Doctoral psychology interns are strongly encouraged to reserve 7-10 vacation days for the end of their internship year to support their transition to their post-doctoral positions and 33 allow time for offices to be cleaned before the next internship cohort. All vacation time must be documented accordingly in EHR and Absence Management portal.