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Assessment and Evaluation Resources

Selected Medical Education and Assessment Resources

  • AMEE Guides – The organization has numerous concise guides developed by internationally recognized medical education content experts that address a variety of topics, including assessment and evaluation. These guides are available through to OU faculty and staff through the university library. Selected example guides that are most pertinent to assessment and evaluation include:
    • AMEE Guide 87: Developing questionnaires for educational research Anthony R. Artino, Jr., Jeffrey S. La Rochelle, Kent J. DeZee and Hunter Gehlbach
    • AMEE Guide 85: How to set standards on performance-based examinations Annette W McKinley, John Norcini
    • AMEE Guide 82: Simulation in healthcare education: a best evidence practical guide Ivette Motola, Luke A Devinie, Syun Soo Chung, John E Sullivan, S. Barry Issenberg
    • AMEE Guide 81: The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Kamran Z Khan, Kathryn Gaunt, Sankaranarayanan Ramachandran, Piyush Pushkar
    • AMEE Guide 49: How to Measure the Quality of the OSCE: A Review of Metrics Godfrey Pell, Richard Fuller, Matthew Homer, Trudie Roberts
    • AMEE Guide 78: Frameworks for learner assessment in medicine 
      Louis Pangaro, Olle ten Cate
    • AMEE Guide 75: Script concordance testing: from theory to practice Stuart Lubarsky, Valerie Dory, Paul Duggan, Robert Gagnon, Bernard Charlin
    • AMEE Guide 72: Psychometric evaluation of a knowledge-based examination using Rasch Analysis: an illustrative guide Mohsen Tavakol, Reg Dennick
    • AMEE Guide 71: A Systematic Framework for the Progress Test: Strengths, Constraints and Issues 
      William Wrigley, Cees van der Vlueten, Adrian Freeman, Arno Muijtjens
    • AMEE Guide 68: Generalizability Theory for the Perplexed: A practical introduction and guide Ralph Bloch, Geoffrey Norman
    • AMEE Guide 54: Post Examination Analysis of Objective Tests Mohsen Tavakol, Reg Dennick
    • AMEE Guide 45: Portfolios for Assessment and Learning Jan van Tartwijk and Erik W Driessen
    • AMEE Guide 39: Online eAssessment Reg Dennick Simon Wilkinson and Nigel Purcell
    • AMEE Guide 37: Setting and maintaining standards in multiple choice examinations Raja C Bandaranayake
    • AMEE Guide 31: Workplace-based Assessment as an Educational Tool John Norcini and Vanessa Burch
    • AMEE Guide 25 : The assessment of learning outcomes James M Shumway and Ronald M Harden
  • BSME Guides
    • EME Guide 11: The educational effects of portfolios on undergraduate student learning: a Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review
      Sharon Buckley, Jamie Coleman, Ian Davison, Khalid Khan, Javier Zamora, Sadia Malick, David Morely, David Pollard, Tamasine Ashcroft, Celia Popovic, Jayne Sayers
    • BEME Guide 10: The effectiveness of self-assessment on the identification of learner needs, learner activity, and impact on clinical practice
    • BEME Guide 07: Systematic review of the literature on physician assessment, feedback and performance
      J Veloski, J R Boex, M J Grasberger, A Evans and D B Wolfson
    • BEME Guide 01: Best Evidence Medical Education 
      R M Harden, J Grant and I R Hart

ACGME (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) and ABMS (American Board of Medical Specialties) Joint Initiative - targeting outcomes assessment

  • Provides links to 7 clerkship sites and access to ACE scholarship and links relative organizations, e.g.,
    • Handbook on Medical Student Evaluation and Assessment 
      • Available for purchase on Amazon
    • Guidebook for Clerkship Directors, 4th Ed Hammoud MM, Dalrymple JL, Christner JG, Stewart RA, Fisher J, Margo K, Ali II, Briscoe GW, Pangaro LN. . Teach Learn Med 2012; 24(3):257-266.
    • Reddy ST, Chao J, Carter JL, Drucker R, Katz NT, Nesbit R, Roman B, Wallenstein J, Beck GL. . Teach Learn Med 2014; 26(4):420-427.

Assessment – Presentations

  • - Theoretical Constructs and Best Practice in Assessment, by Cees van der Vleuten Ph.D.
  • - One can search for podcasts on topics of interest, such as assessment.
  • , by Cees van der Vleuten (2005)

  • Provides access to a number of resources (e.g., ANN Core Curricula, podcasts, etc.)

  • The IAMSE publishes the medical science educator, has an active listerv for sharing information and best practices, and has two manuals available for purchase, one on team-based learning and one on active learning.

  • MedEdPORTAL, an open-access journal of teaching and learning resources in the health professions, promotes educational scholarship and collaboration by facilitating the exchange of peer-reviewed materials that have been implemented and evaluated for educational effectiveness. The AAMC is pleased to announce that MedEdPORTAL is officially indexed by MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine's premier bibliographic database, beginning with Volume 14 (2018). Indexed publications are searchable through the MEDLINE database where readers have access to the full text article plus the appendices hosted on our site. Please note that articles published prior to 2018 will not be indexed by MEDLINE. However, MedEdPORTAL is transmitting publication data of past volumes to , the national archive of the National Library of Medicine. Archiving this content ensures that all articles published beginning in June 2016 will have a PubMed ID and be fully accessible to readers.

  • The NBOME provides access to an on-line, self-instructional course, .

  • The NBME provides access to an for constructing written test questions for the basic and clinical sciences.
  • The NBME offers high quality on-line self-instructional programs on various content areas pertinent to assessment in medical education. Lessons cover Basic Principles (e.g., Test Blueprinting, How to Create a Good Score, Test Score Reliability, Setting Cut Scores, etc.); Multiple Choice Exams & Questions (e.g., Purposes and Types of MCQ Exams, MCQ Flaws and How to Avoid Them, Writing MCQs to Assess Application of Basic Science Knowledge, Writing MCQs to Assess Application of Clinical Science Knowledge, Test Statistics and Generalizability Theory for MCQ Exams; Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) (e.g., Working with Standardized Patients for Assessment, An Introduction to Generalizability Theory in OSCEs, Developing Rating Scales and Checklists, Training Raters, etc.); and Workplace-based Assessments (e.g., Educational Frameworks for Assessing Competence, and Assessing Routine Behaviors over Multiple Occasions, and Encounter-based Methods); and Competencie s (i.e., Professionalism).

Cees van der Vleuten, Ph.D. website

  • Dr. van der Vleuten, an internationally recognized leader in medical education, hosts a website with links to resources corresponding to various content areas, including:

Last update: 5/14/2019