Faculty Research & Awards
Program Level Research
- Athletic Training
- Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
- Exercise Physiology
- Food and Nutrition Sciences
- Nursing
- Physical Therapy
- Social and Public Health
- Social Work
Annual Research Reports
- Faculty and Student Research and Scholarly Annual Report 2022
- Prior years available by request
Funding Opportunities and Honorary Awards
CHSP IGNITE Grant (Investing in Growth, Novelty, Innovation, Transformation, and Excellence)
The College of Health Sciences and Professions Grants to Advance Scholarship in Research and Education is an internal grant mechanism to support small projects that can be carried out in a short period.
The three pathways are:
1. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
To foster innovative and rigorous exploration of pedagogical approaches, techniques, or environments relevant to preparing students to work in health care professions. Focus on documentation and analysis of student outcomes.
PI Eligibility: Full-time CHSP faculty members with research expectations in workload (who have not received funding through this pathway for 2 years).
Award level: Up to two (2) grants up to $8,000 each for meritorious proposals
Award period: June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026. No extensions. All expenses must be posted by May 31, 2026.
Application: Applicants must complete an online application for the t and be prepared to upload the consolidated PDF file as described in the award guidelines.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
2. Clinical/Translational/Population Health Research
To support innovative and rigorous research with good potential for external funding and/or entrepreneurship in health sciences and professions (e.g., aging, chronic disease, wellness, human performance, substance abuse, rural health, infectious disease, health care delivery, mental health, disabilities).
Award level: 1 grant of up to $20,000
Award period: June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2027. No extensions. All expenses must be posted by May 31, 2027.
Award guidelines can be found here.
Application: Applicants must complete an online application for the and be prepared to upload the consolidated PDF file as described in the award guidelines.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
3. Research Microgrant
Purpose: To provide a small amount of money to get a new research idea off the ground. This could be used for pilot studies, feasibility studies, or to gather preliminary data.
Award level: 4 grants up to $1000 each
Award period: June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026. No extensions. All expenses must be posted by May 31, 2026.
Application: Applicants must complete an online application for the and be prepared to upload the consolidated PDF file as described in the award guidelines.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
CHSP Excellence in Team Teaching Award
The CHSP mission to succeed in training healthcare professionals can take many forms. For this award, team teaching is defined as two (2) or more faculty members who effectively integrate their substantive and pedagogical knowledge in a single course to create an outstanding learning experience for students.
Eligibility: All faculty in the College of Health Sciences and Professions are eligible to receive this award. A recipient may not receive the award in consecutive years.
Award level: The award is $1,000 total, which will be paid directly to the recipient(s) (via payroll).
Award period: AY 2024-2025
Application: Applicants must complete an online application for the and be prepared to upload the consolidated PDF file as described in the award guidelines.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
CHSP Excellence in Online Teaching Award
This award recognizes and rewards superior online teaching provides models of excellence for fellow faculty, and encourages all faculty to continue to improve and advance their online teaching pedagogy. The recipient will also be recognized at the CHSP Spring Awards Ceremony.
Eligibility: All faculty (all groups and ranks) in the College of Health Sciences and Professions are eligible for this award. A recipient may not receive the award in consecutive years. The course must be at least 70% online.
Award level: The award is $1,000, which will be paid directly to the recipient (via payroll).
Award period: AY 2024-2025
Application: Applicants must complete an online application for the and be prepared to upload the consolidated PDF file as described in the award guidelines.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
CHSP Faculty Research and Creative Activity Award
During the Bicentennial Campaign, this monetary award was made possible through several CHSP donors who place value on the ability of faculty to engage in productive research and creative activity. The recipient will also be recognized at the CHSP Spring Awards Ceremony.
Eligibility: All faculty members in the College of Health Sciences and Professions. A recipient may not receive the award in consecutive years.
Award level: The award is $1,000, which will be paid directly to the recipient (via payroll).
Award period: AY 2024-2025
Application: Applicants must complete an online application for the and be prepared to upload the consolidated PDF file as described in the award guidelines.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
Excellence in Teaching in the College of Health Sciences and Professions Award
This award is presented to an outstanding faculty member who uses an innovative approach to teaching and preparing students for the professions included in CHSP. Some examples include but are not limited to the effective use of simulation, patient-centered case studies, community partnerships, or Interprofessional training.
Eligibility: All faculty in the College of Health Sciences and Professions are eligible to receive this award. A recipient may not receive the award in consecutive years.
Award level: The award is $1,000, which will be paid directly to the recipient (via payroll).
Award period: AY 2024-2025
Application: Applicants must complete an online application for the and be prepared to upload the consolidated PDF file as described in the award guidelines.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
CHSP Inspirational Teaching Award
This award recognizes a CHSP faculty member who provided an educational experience found to be inspiring and ultimately had a positive impact on student learning.
Faculty members are nominated by students. Current undergraduate students with senior standing, current graduate students with at least 18 completed credit hours, and CHSP alumni may nominate a faculty member and share why the faculty member's teaching was inspirational and how it has influenced them over time. The recipient will be recognized at the CHSP Spring Awards Ceremony.
Eligibility: All faculty in the College of Health Sciences and Professions are eligible to receive this award. A recipient may not receive the award in consecutive years.
Award level: The award is $1,000, which will be paid directly to the recipient (via payroll).
Award period: AY 2024-2025
Application: Nominations are accepted via the online portal for the Nominations.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
Lee Cibrowski Faculty Advising and Mentoring Award
The Lee Cibrowski Faculty Advising and Mentoring Award was created to recognize outstanding mentoring activities and accomplishments achieved by faculty members. For the purpose of the award, mentorship is defined as any activity in which a faculty member works with students to enhance their knowledge, skills, or career direction through teaching, research, or academic advising activities. A characteristic of strong mentorship is a meaningful pattern of interaction between the faculty member and students that contributes to students' academic and intellectual growth The recipient will also be recognized at the CHSP Spring Awards Ceremony.
Eligibility: All full-time faculty members from programs formerly affiliated with the College of Health Sciences and Professions are eligible for this award. Areas/programs include:
- College of Fine Arts, School of Art
- Interior Architecture
- College of Business
- Department of Sports Administration
- Patton College of Education
- Department of Recreation and Sport Pedagogy
- Department of Human and Consumer Science Education
- College of Health Sciences and Professions
- School of Applied Health Sciences and Wellness
- School of Nursing
- School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences
- Department of Social and Public Health
- Child and Family Studies
Award level: The award is $1,000, which will be paid directly to the recipient (via payroll).
Award period: AY 2024-2025
Application: Nominations are accepted via the online portal at Nominations.
Application deadline: March 3, 2025
Summer Research Challenge
The College of Health Sciences and Professions (CHSP) announces the Summer Research Challenge, a program designed to support faculty in developing competitive grant proposals for external funding. This program offers distinct tracks for both pre-tenure and post-tenure faculty members.
Eligibility: Pre-Tenure Track: CHSP faculty members within the tenure track who are within their first 4 years of appointment and Post-Tenure Track: Established CHSP faculty members with a record of scholarship but limited recent external funding.
Award Level:
- Challenge Funds: Each participant will receive a $1000 stipend to support research activities related to their chosen funding opportunity. This could include funding for pilot data collection, travel to research collaborators, or other relevant research expenses.
- Stipend: A $500 stipend will be provided to each participant to recognize their time commitment and effort throughout the program.
Application Process: Send materials to Associate Dean for Research Janet Simon at simonj1@ohio.edu.
Application Deadline: May 1, 2025
Article Processing and Open Access Fund
The purpose of the Article Processing and Open Access Fund is to assist CHSP faculty in carrying out their scholarship activities in Open Access Journals. Open Access refers to the free access and distribution of research articles and books.
Eligibility: CHSP faculty engaged in scholarly activities are eligible to apply. Faculty with other sources of funding must expend those funds first. Priority will be given to pre-tenure faculty.
Award level: The award is $3000
Application deadline: Rolling
2024-25 Capital Equipment Request Form
Faculty who have any requests for renewal or new capital equipment can complete this form. Capital equipment costs of $5000 and more will be considered for funding. Each request will need to demonstrate the following requirements:
- That the equipment is necessary for the performance of the research project (Link the general-purpose equipment acquisition to the technical work of the research project).
- Cost of equipment (a budget).
- Estimates should be based on written quotations or catalog prices.
- Benefits of the equipment to a particular research project(s).
- The timing of the purchase is consistent with the research project's period of performance or sustainability of the research project.
- Disruptions or delays to the research project caused by the lack of equipment/repairs.
Eligibility: All faculty in CHSP may not receive the award for consecutive years.
Award level: The award is requests of $5000 or more
Application deadline: Rolling
Research Laboratories
- Appalachian Institute to Advance Health Equity Science (ADVANCE): Cory Cronin [CHSP]
- [HSLS]
- [HSLS]
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Research Lab: John McCarthy [HSLS]
- Developmental Psycholinguistics Research Lab: Jim Montgomery [HSLS]
- [HSLS]
- Exercise Physiology Research Lab: Sharon Perry [EP]
- Exercise Science Research Lab: Sharon Perry [EP]
- Food Innovation Lab: Robert G. Brannan [FNS]
- Food Science Research Lab: Robert G. Brannan [FNS]
- Interprofessional Simulation Labs: John McCarthy [IHS]
- Motor Control Research Lab: Dustin Grooms [PT]
- Neurocognitive and Balance Assessment Research Lab: Dustin Grooms [AT]
- : Dustin Grooms, Janet Simon and Melissa Anderson [AT, PT, EP]
- Nutrition Counseling Lab: Jana Hovland [FNS]
- Sensory Analysis Research Lab: Robert G. Brannan [FNS]
- Science and Health in Artistic Performance Lab (SHAPe Lab): Jeffrey A. Russell [AT]
- [HSLS]
- STEP (Strategies and Tools for Evaluating Play) Research Lab: Cheryl A. Howe [EP]
- Transitions in the Acquisition of Language Knowledge (TALK) Research Lab: Joann P. Benigno [HSLS]